The other day, I wrote to the D.C. humane society about volunteer opportunities. Ummm... apparently they aren't taking any new volunteers until they hire someone to be the shelter's volunteer coordinator. I took this to mean one of two things -- either I really am supposed to be chained to my macbook 24/7 or I need to reconsider my career field. I have a suspicion, however, that a "volunteer coordinator" makes a bit less than a journalist....
Some time after I decided I didn't want to be a ballerina and before I knew I wanted to be a writer, I became convinced that I should work with our local humane society in Columbus. At the time, my aunt ran a shelter in Detroit and my mom had been involved in animal rescue work since she was a little girl. I spent some time shadowing the "cruelty investigators" and wrote a few "what I want to when I grow up" papers about somehow being involved in the animal rescue community. Several years later, I got so involved in my high school newspaper that I stopped volunteering at the humane society. It's been a few more years now and I really would like to find a way to contribute again.
(So far, this entire entry has made me realize that I've been pretty career-obsessed for most of my life -- the irony! Apparently the first thing I every wanted to be was a "grandma." In 8th Grade, Mrs. Kent made me realize I wanted to be a writer. In 10th Grade, I knew I wanted to be a journalist and in 12th Grade I knew I wanted to write about politics. Could the Gods of Employment throw me a bone now? Thanks.)
OK...enough bitching. i have some good news to report. Bruegger's Bagels is back from the dead! My very favorite lunch place (with yummy pickles and muenster cheese on bagels!) disappeared from Columbus 10 years ago (because I am seriously now THAT old) and has magically reappeared in D.C. This has been the highlight of my month of job-search hell. If a
Graeter’s opens here then maybe I'll survive another month w/o a paycheck!
As if Bruegger's could get any offers free wi-fi. I made the most of the bagel and cream cheese I purchased by sitting there for at least four hours the other day. I ended up live-blogging with T about the young guy sitting next to me. In my defense: he stared first! I'm sure he was curious about the silly chick who kept refreshing "" and then letting out a massive sigh....
On closer inspection, I realized a. he could not have been more than 20-years-old and could probably have fit into my jeans and b. he was studying stage directions for Romeo & Juliet! At first this only served to reinforce that a. he was far too young and skinny to be the great "boyfriend I met at my favorite lunch spot while I was unemployed" and b. man, I won't be able to afford to see R&J at the Shakespeare Theater this month. On the bright side, I am pretty sure I sat next to Romeo's understudy for several hours!
Apologies. This entry has dragged on longer than the Emmys (the worst Emmy broadcast I think I have ever seen!). Before I go: Best dressed?
This (minus the fake tan),
this or
this. Worst? Def.